3MY         LEGACY

The sixth sense

Thought and spirit are the universe that dominates life in itself.

A well-balanced “imagery” generates a clear positive energy, enabling a life of vitality while maintaining accuracy.

“Imagery” is always input and updated through the five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, and is completed in one figure.

If continuously exposing the five senses to positive energy like that seeing good things, good smells, listening to good sounds, eating good food, feeling good texture, eventually, it may become a star that can illuminate the galaxy by becoming self-luminous thing like the sun that does not sink 365 days.

Be care must be taken because the sensation center of the universe is highly sensitive, and if increase the intensity and frequency of the stimulus excessively, the balance will be destroyed in an immediately.

Stellar systems where the balance between centrifugal force and attraction is broken eventually become the food for black holes.