3MY         LEGACY

Je-ong's Detox Juice

Raw-food solution made by a variety of ingredients with each different nutrients uses abundant vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber preserved in through a minimal cooking process with have a mechanism to heal tired internal organs and blood.

In particular, fruit and vegetable juices rich in enzymes and antioxidants are also effective in relieving alcohol-holic's livers who are tired from excessive drinking.

Get out of the vicious-habit of remove the alcohol effect with drinking  again in the morning, and with enough fruits, nutritious salads, and a freshly fermented carbonated juice, can restore hard muscles and a vague spirit at once.

Many alcohol lovers have their so many unique each own combination, but the wine pairing manuals that are actually accepted in the generally have been tailored to the tastes of Westerners, so they don't fit per Easterners character.

Especially the compatibility of cheese and red wine is the worst combination that cover each other's charm and remove it.

Red wine which is symbol of heavy and solid texture, is a meal and snack by itself, so greasy foods never fit well.

It is from the perspective of oriental cuisine which has a refreshing acidity compared to western cuisine, not only oily nuts but also meat steaks are contradictory.